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How Do Laboratory Tests Aid In Early Disease Detection?

medical centre in Abu Dhabi

Prevention is always a better solution than cure. Once an illness affects a person’s body, the time, effort and money for recovery can often disrupt the functioning of the body and mind. If the body does contract a disease, being able to detect it early can be very beneficial in ensuring improved treatment, helping the patients prepare better for the treatment mentally and financially, and improving the quality of their lives.

Role of Laboratory Tests in Preventive Healthcare

There is a misconception that laboratory tests are only used to confirm a doctor’s diagnosis of a suspected disease. While this is definitely one of the reasons for laboratory testing, it plays a much more significant role in preventive healthcare, where it is able to detect health conditions in a seemingly healthy person that may not show obvious symptoms and allows doctors to plan customized prevention strategies to help the person manage his/her health. Health screenings may be recommended by doctors during periodic health check-ups based on the patient’s genetic predisposition or family medical history of certain diseases which may put them at a higher risk of developing health issues. The patient’s age, gender, previous health issues, and lifestyle habits may also be reasons why the doctor may recommend health screenings as part of preventive healthcare.

In addition to the prevention of diseases, laboratory tests also play a crucial role in accurate diagnosis and management of diseases. Once health risks have been identified, lab tests ensure that the doctors can effectively monitor health parameters, the impact of medication, treatment, or lifestyle changes on the patient’s health, and make adjustments accordingly for best results.

Common Laboratory Tests Used for Early Detection

The most common types of tests conducted in clinical laboratories are blood tests, urine tests, and cancer screening, though other tests may be recommended based on the doctor’s study of the patient’s medical history and symptoms.

Blood Tests

Blood tests are done to assess the level of proteins, cells or chemicals in a person’s blood. Common blood tests advised by doctors include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) which checks for levels of red blood cells which carry oxygen throughout the body, white blood cells or the immunity cells, platelets that control the clotting of blood, haemoglobin which is a protein that helps to carry oxygen from the lungs throughout the body and bring the carbon dioxide back into the body, and hematocrit levels or the percentage of blood that is made of red blood cells.
  • Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) which determines the level of glucose, calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) components in the blood.
  • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), in addition to the components assessed in the BMP, looks at levels of albumin, total protein, bilirubin, and other substances related to liver function.
  • Lipid Profile which checks the levels of cholesterol through tests for high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
  • Thyroid Panel or Thyroid Function Test looks at Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4), and Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels which regulate body functions including metabolism and energy levels.
  • Coagulation Panel which looks at how much time it takes for the blood to clot and how well it clots during the period.
  • C-reactive Protein Test which checks for how inflammation of body tissues impacts the level of C-reactive protein made by the liver.

Urine Tests

A urinalysis is a common laboratory test of urine that can provide information about a wide range of disorders including UTI (urinary tract infections), diabetes, and kidney issues. The tests may be conducted through

  • Visual examination of the urine’s appearance, colour or odour.
  • Dipstick test where a chemical-coated stick is placed in the urine to check for acidity levels, protein levels, concentration of particles in the urine sample, level of sugar, bilirubin, and ketones, evidence of infection or blood.
  • Microscopic examination is where concentrated droplets of urine are examined to determine levels of white blood cells (leukocytes), red blood cells (erythrocytes), bacteria, yeast, or parasites, or the presence of chemical crystals or protein casts in the sample.

Other types of urine tests are conducted for pregnancy to measure the level of HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and drug screening through urine drug testing (UDT).

Cancer Screenings

Cancer screening tests allow a doctor to identify signs of cancer at an early stage even before any symptoms appear. This vastly improves the effectiveness of treatment and the chances of getting a complete cure. The age at which cancer screening is recommended by the doctor will depend on the patient’s age, gender, risk factors and family history of cancer. While screening is primarily through physical examination and imaging and diagnostic tests like mammography (for breast cancer screening), Human papillomavirus (HPV) tests and Pap tests (cervical cancer screening), colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy (colorectal cancer screening), and helical computed tomography (lung cancer screening), MRIs and CT scans, there are certain laboratory tests that are also conducted to accurately screen for or diagnose cancer. Alpha-fetoprotein blood test helps to determine liver cancer early, CA-125 blood test can help in detecting ovarian cancer, and fecal occult blood tests and fecal immunochemical tests have been effective in reducing risks from colorectal cancer. It is important to note that these laboratory tests are to be conducted in addition to other forms of screening for conclusive results.

Choosing the Right Laboratory Tests for Early Detection

It can be overwhelming to choose the right laboratory for conducting health screening tests from the many options available among medical centres in Abu Dhabi. There are a few basic criteria to be considered to identify the laboratory that is best suited for your requirements. Information about the laboratory, its equipment and results can be easily accessed from their website, reviews by patients, and word-of-mouth sources.

  • Advanced Testing Equipment and Facilities – The quality and accuracy of test results may be greatly influenced by the quality of the equipment used by the laboratory.
  • Qualifications and Experience of Staff – A lab that has been running successfully for a certain period of time and has earned a good reputation for accuracy is often run by competent and professional laboratory staff.
  • Availability of Specified Test – An important criterion for determining whether to choose a certain laboratory is whether or not the lab has the test that has been recommended by the doctor.
  • Accuracy and Timely Delivery of Reports – Errors in lab reports can lead to complications in the treatment of the patient. Also, non-availability of test results within time can cause delays in providing treatment. Patient reviews can provide a clear indication of the efficiency of the lab in providing precise reports within the said time.

Department of Pathology at Taha Medical Centre

The pathology department at Taha Medical Centre stands out among medical centres in Abu Dhabi as a patient-oriented and fully equipped centre for laboratory testing and specialized pathological investigations. With a dedicated and competent team of professional experts and advanced laboratory equipment, Taha Medical Centre has been able to provide world-class services to patients, the external medical fraternity, and in-house consultants.


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